
I’m back, with a better mind.

How small moments can make big impacts in ones experiences and lifestyle.

I go through these “busy” phases were I get so engrossed in one of my projects, my mind thinks of nothing else. And I do apologize that I left you without recipes and cool facts. 

When you find out what I have been doing, you too will think it’s worth it. 

I have been practicing on how my writing skills thou and I’m hoping you’ll actually see the difference, so please do let me know. 

I have been working on many things but i shall share one, my story. Infact it was an assignment that I needed to complete. I needed to come up with an advert for my business. It needed a hero, a villain, characters a plot and the structure, it wasn’t easy at first, in my mind this was an advert and I had writers block. 

Driving my niece home, I spoke to her about it, and even thou she is 10 years old (gosh how quick she has grown)she gives such great advice. I told her that I needed to come up with a story for an advert and I just couldn’t seem to come up with one, “knowing how good you are at them, I’m asking you fifi.”

Her reply to me was:” Amma you tell such great stories, I think I get it from you, all I do is write it down.” Waffling on about crazy ideas on how to start. 

That few, simple words to me completely changed how my mind saw the whole situation. Since then I have written three and here I am😂 still writing up blog posts. 

Makes me appreciate how beautiful our minds work. How she was just her authentic self, and by being that person she had the ability to assist my thinking and thought process for the better. 

Perfect thought for #familyFriday 

Have a beautiful weekend all.. 

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