sweet corn fried rice

Diversifying my eating style!               Corn fried rice recipe.

I think we all know that meat is bad for us, unfortunately what we don’t know it’s as addictive as wine. 

I just watched a really interesting video the other day, it went back to the time of ancient China and wise men. It spoke about the culture of meat, information of its history and the way that animals were looked after, bred and slaughtered. 

Now, I don’t know who came up with the food pyramid if you do some research you will find so many different ones, however what they all have in common is the fact that most of what they telling you to eat ain’t what you should be eating. The one I just looked at now said 2/4 portions of meat per day. In the ancient times it was forbidden to eat meat more than once. In fact in today’s day and age in some religions only the really rich can eat meat twice, or in some others you fast four days a week from meat. 

After watching this Video I now has the motivation and I decided to set myself a challenge. To explore what the benefits of divisifing my eating habits, how it would affect my energy, fitness, thoughts, weight and look. 

At first I was very skeptical as I usually make fun of vegetarians as there isn’t much options on the menu. But after I tasted this rice I was convinced this could work, I’m almost sure your all going to join me after attempting it. 

Here goes – Corn Fry Rice

Serves 4

What your going to need 

  1. 1tbsp Oil and butter
  2. 2 cardomom 
  3. Twig of curry leaves 
  4. One onion 
  5. 2 corn cut from the cob 
  6. One clove garlic crushed 
  7. Basmati Rice soaked in water for at least 5 min
  8. Stuff for salad, your choice! 

1. Put your pot on medium heat, add oil curry leaves, cardomom and slice your onions.

2. When the oil is hot and slightly smokey add your onions,stir regularly for 3/4 minutes  you want to give it a nice brown colour. 

3. Add your kernels, turmeric, garlic and stir making sure nothing is sticking to the bottom of your pot. 

4. Strain your rice, and rinse twice. Then add your rice and stir with the aim to give the rice slight colour for about 1 to 2minutes. 

5. Add boiling water, salt and cook for about 15minutes with the lid, stirring occasionally.

6. Garnish with chopped spring onion and serve with a lekka salad, I made a quick cucumber, lettuce, feta, carrot with balsamic dressing and gosh it was wow! 

I couldn’t believe how tasty and how the salad added the right textures to complete the meal to perfection. 

Try it for those who dare to be different, You will want to kiss me for it👌🏼

Because I believe eating is way more than a mouthful! 

Bon Appetite 

What you need to know!

Yummy guilt free!

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