leonardo dicaprio

Go out there, get who you looking for! 

I’m sitting at the car wash, sort of boggled😖 at the thought that I am having to watch people wash my vehicle, why haven’t car wash owners thought this plan through?Im going to use the time to update all you beautiful foodies.

My thoughts sitting here, watching the water flow down my screen and as I sip my coffee, is that coffee never knew how good it could taste before it met sugar and milk. 

Coffee never knew it could take the world by storm, be in most homes, shops, restaurants and work places, the same way some of us won’t see how good we could be, the great things we could achieve or a simpler, safer option to achieve the same or even better result.

We are good as individuals but become better when we blend with the right people. 

Go out there and meet the right people, don’t sit all stuffed in a box, office or your home. 

Know what interests those people, get interested and go to those places, fit in. 

Want to meet nice people? be one. The richest wealth you posses is your wisdom, the wisdom you have gained by your experiences. That makes you, you and separates you from the rest. 

The strongest weapon is patience, create the right strategies and plans, follow the process and measure it’s success, while you alter till you get your desired outcomes. 

The best security is when you have faith within yourself and your team. When you have this you will fill bellies with the greatest tonic (laughter)and be surrounded by the greatest force, love. 

Have the surest assurance, and that’s hope in The Almighty, The best of partners. Surprisingly all the above are FREE. 

Food for thought? 

Have an awesome tangy Tuesday😄

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