
A plee from a passionate place! My heart.

My year has kicked off with a blast of enlightenment. Firstly understanding my own goals and fears, those that had me living a way that was less than myself, those that had me sitting safely in a net of missed opportunities tagged as (risk avoided) and lastly those self-limiting beliefs that we all have, but are so very afraid to admit.

The last few weeks of 2016, I am pretty sure were the best for most people living in Cape Town. It seemed that after the year most people had, they needed the break and the parties.

For me, I wanted it to end, the way I wanted my new year to go, full of adventure, good food, helping others and making opportunities available for myself and others around me. I worked hard but had the ability to enjoy spontaneous moments of magic and excitement with random road trips that involved work and play. Truly coming to the understanding that, your mind has the power to create your circumstance.

Meeting inspiring people that in the last two months has altered my mind and eyes to experience what I call living.

On the 1st of January, I sat with my closest of friends, discussing resolutions for the new year. My mind went blank as to what is it that I would achieve this year, what would I want that to sound like, feel like? taste like? And the one word I came to was good! I wanted to feel good!

That moment I decided, I will live each day of 2017 as if I had already conquered each day. I will every day do things I want to do, living, breathing, working,  just doing me and those things that make me feel great about doing me. Heres a few things thats been having my attention:

If you know me, you would know how happy feeding people makes me. Now how special is this, feeding hungry kids, kids with no parents or no responsible ones anyway. It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling that gets me all snug and smiley. So this year I decided to shift my attention to focus on the feeding program I am envolved in and training courses for the less fortunate, and do that a whole lot more.

I want to focus on getting Ammaarah to be Ammaarah 100% better than before. Thinking, talking acting, everything that could be better is good! I need to improve my surroundings, we all continuosly have a duty to do so. I think being in positivity can only create more positives right? Its like when you smile at someone and mean it, nine out of ten, that person smiles back.

So good bye all you negative words, thoughts, actions and perceptions you create. I am choosing to look at the positives and only that. I feel bad for having to leave those companions, I love so darely besides you. But they linger to long in your presence, you surround them, their words and minds that it weakens me, bringing me below myself.

This year, i choose me, raising above all limiting beliefs, chains of habbits, worries and all that weight created with perceptions and differnce of opinion or site. I choose me. Wishing you that and more.

My wish is to be a person that has the ability to feed a hungry soul not just food, but food that assists them to be, the person they were born to be. Cause I believe eating is way more than a mouthful!

Every bit counts, be of those who helps others, so their wish for you is to never taste the feeling of needing help.

Wishing you all a happy new year, that all your goals and visions are fulfilled, your hearts are content, even with those things which are not ready to be yours just yet.

Wishing you abundance!

Please help and share!


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