
Salmaan’s Favourite burger!

Salmaan’s Favourite burger is a must when he comes for a sleep-over or a day in the park. He absolutely loves putting together this burger himself as he gets to mess around and add his own flavours and toppings. I do the dangerous part and he takes over from there. Perfect to entertain your kids for a few minutes so have them build it themselves. I know we lazy sometimes and just wish to pull into a drive through, but trust me the best thing to do for our contentment of mind and health is to make your own.

6 x Chicken fillets

one teaspoon of lemon juice

two teaspoons of chicken spice

6 x Sesame seed burger bun

6 x Slices of Cheese

6 x gherkins sliced

60ml Spur sauce

6 lettuce leaves

half red onion sliced

A handful of Dhanya washed and dried



  1. Season your chicken fillets with salt and pepper, sprinkle with spice and lemon juice. Heat a griddle pan on high and fry for 2 minutes on each side. Add your slice of cheese, and let your chicken rest for two minutes before putting your burger together.
  2. Cut the burger buns and spread your sauce evenly. Place the chicken fillet covered with cheese, lettuce leaves ( i like fancy leaves) gherkins, red onion slices and top with dhanya.
  3. You can add your favourite toppings as desired.
  4. Serve and enjoy

P.S Its way healthier making your own burgers from chicken fillets as bought patties and bought burgers are filled with unhealthy ingredients which are made to fill butchers and franchise pockets. I even suggest if you want a patty to buy chicken fillet and make your own. All you have to do is throw one kilogram of chicken fillet in a processor, with one onion,  three teaspoons chicken spice, one teaspoon salt, two cloves garlic, a half cup breadcrumbs and an egg. For added flavour you can add some fresh herbs like basil or corriander or even some parsley.


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